Clean Candle Club

The Clean Candle Club is our loyalty rewards program and we've made it pretty simple. We'll give you 1 matchstick (our clever way of saying points) for every $1 you spend on candles at You can also earn matchsticks for actions on social media and for just being born. Once you bank enough matchsticks, you can redeem them for discounts on future purchases. You cannot redeem the matchsticks you earn on the current purchase.
To get started, click that Earn Rewards icon on the bottom right corner of your screen. If you've ever created an account with us, you're already a member and you should have 50 matchsticks already in your bank. You can log in here with your existing account info. If you haven't created an account with us, you'll need to do so here to get started banking matchsticks, so click Join Now from the Earn Rewards screen.
Once you've created an account, you'll start earning matchsticks for every purchase you make on And from this Earn Rewards screen is where you'll go to log in to your account, check your balance, and redeem your matchsticks. Once you have enough matchsticks, you'll be given the opportunity to redeem them for discount codes on future purchases. When you're ready to use the discount, just copy the code provided and paste it into the discount field at checkout. Details below on ways to earn and redeem. The maximum number of matchsticks that can be redeemed at once are 250. Multiple discount codes cannot combined at checkout. Questions? Click here to ask.